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  • How can I pay for my workshop?
    To reserve a seat, you can only buy a ticket online. We accept credit cards, instant bank transfer, Paypal and Twint. For a normal bank transfer, please contact us in advance.
  • How quickly will I learn the craft after attending a workshop?
    All workshops were set up together with other leading figures in this field. They are very efficiently set up to reduce the learning time to a minimum while ensuring the greatest possible learning progress. This greatly reduces the cost of the workshop and everyone can learn only the topic they need and want without wasting money and time on unwanted content. To ensure that this modern concept works, every participant becomes a member of the community after attending the workshop together with like-minded people and course leaders in order to constantly work on their learning process and improve.
  • Will I receive a diploma after participating?
    Yes. Each participant will receive a student diploma immediately after attending the workshop.
  • Are the number of places limited?
    Yes. To ensure that every participant receives the full attention and support of the course instructors, all workshop places are limited. You can find this information on each workshop page.
  • Can I bring other people or family?
    Once the workshop begins, only participants with a valid ticket can remain in the training room. Accompanying persons without tickets must then leave the room.
  • Can I bring my dog?
    The training room is equipped with tattoo stations and therefore maintains a high standard of hygiene. Dogs and other animals are not allowed in the room.
  • Muss ich irgendwelche Sachen zum Workshop mitbringen?
    In der Regel wird von uns alles Nötige bereitgestellt, was du für den Workshop benötigen wirst. Was zwingend notwendig ist, ist das Vorzeigen eines gültigen Tickets mit einem lesbaren QR-Code. Falls für einen Workshop dennoch erforderlich ist etwas mitzubringen, kannst du das auf der Kursseite entnehmen.
  • Why workshop and not course?
    We deliberately do not call this course a course but a workshop because the aim is to achieve faster and better results through practical cooperation with the masters, in addition to theoretical knowledge. This way, mistakes are discovered right at the start and explained or demonstrated again individually.
  • What is learned in a workshop?
    Each workshop is described in detail and includes the respective content and daily schedule. You can find all the information on the course page to make sure it meets your expectations.
  • Do certain workshops have registration requirements?
    Yes, certain advanced workshops require basic knowledge and prior knowledge because these are no longer covered, but it is necessary to understand the content.
  • Will I have mastered the subject matter after attending a workshop?
    All workshops are structured so that even complete beginners can learn the full knowledge from A to Z. Because of the large amount of information, each workshop participant receives the entire content covered as a workbook so that they can look up any forgotten knowledge at any time.
  • Can I cancel my reservation?
    After purchasing a ticket, you can cancel the reservation up to 14 days before the start of the course. After that, fees will be charged for the preparation and procurement of course materials for each participant. Therefore, the full course fee cannot be refunded after this deadline. To cancel, contact us by email:
  • What is the community?
    The community is a very important tool for all workshops. After taking part in the workshop, you will receive access to a community platform in which all previous participants and the course leaders (masters) can be found and can exchange ideas with each other. Discussions can be started on any topic, questions can be answered, your own progress can be shared, objective criticism of work can be received, you can develop further in your own field and continue to learn even after the workshop. You can also make friends and follow other members. It's like Instagram for artists.
  • Are there annual fees or subscriptions?
    No. Community access is available for life and costs nothing, as well as asking further questions to Master and receiving further explanations.
  • What does promotion mean and when do I become a professional?
    After each workshop, the participant is initially a student and is therefore still in a learning phase. In order to ensure the quality of the workshop and to guarantee that every workshop participant has been successfully trained, we do our best to support you after the workshop and to teach you the techniques until you have mastered it 100%. No matter how long it takes. You post your work as normal in the community, which is assessed by the masters. Any defects and errors are then explained to you in detail so that the next work can be perfected. If your work is satisfactory, you will then receive a new "Artist" badge and will thus have completed your training. You will receive an artist diploma by post. Talented people also have the opportunity to become a master and will then be able to assess the work of other students or artists.


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